Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

benefit of zaitun

Olive (Olea europaea) has been known since the first by the Mediterranean region, as the food. With consume olive, their best health conditions when compared with the other. A number of smaller disturbances heart health and keep them awake.

Olive oil, reduce the risk of death due to heart disease and cancer. Research shows heart attack in the Mediterranean region, which consume olive oil, compared to only half in others. Based on the study epidemiologis on the Mediterranean that many people consume acid from olive oil oleat concluded oleat positive effects for heart health.

Harvard research concluded that the latest Fat is not saturated as there are double the olive oil can lower LDL cholesterol level (low density lipoprotein) Where LDL blood cholesterol level is the evil that can pile up in the arterial walls.

Type of fat that helps prevent breast cancer is not fat-saturated in olive oil. Other benefits of olive oil is to make the skin sehalus baby's skin, make a thick hair.

Beratus-hundred years ago, in a poem that referred to the Roman olive fruit can restore and maintain the body's resistance. Not only olive fruit, Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, said that the olive oil and valuable therapy can be used for health care. Olive branch and can be used as a crown on the winner of the race penobatan, as a symbol of victory and peace.

Olive can grow well in areas that have a similar climate with the Mediterranean region. Bush tree form, which is always green with 8 - 15 meters. Silvery green leaves measuring the length of between 4 - 10 cm, width 1 - 3 cm. Having a white flower and fruit size 1 - 2, 5 cm. Usually, the harvest is done when the fruit is still green, or when the fruit is ripe. The fruit is ripe when the fruit is the color has changed into dark purple (for the type of black olives).

Olives can be consumed directly, or diawetan first with the way the fragmentation. And before difragmentasi, the fruit is packed in a saline solution. Dikalengkan which have black and because the influence of chemicals that are mixed. The outside skin of the fruit contains 60 - 70% oil. Olive oil contain saturated fatty acid (palmitat acid, acid stearat, arachidat acid, acid miristat, and lignoserat with a small degree), no saturated fatty acid mono, not saturated fatty acid poli, vitamin E and vitamin K.

Greece is a producer of quality olive oil extra virgin olive oil in the world. The oil produced through the process without the addition of emphasis quality chemicals. While the quality of the other lower quality oil is made through a chemical process to neutralize the strong taste and sour womb.

Benefits of consuming fruit and olive oil:

* Maintain health heart blood vessel, thus lowering the risk of coronary heart disease. Caused due to a mono unsaturated fat, especially oleat acid. But there is also research showing the health of the oil property caused by the actual heart of the compound fenol, not a fatty acid. Gynecology fenol compound function as antioxidants, which can maintain the elasticity of blood vessel arterial wall.
* Olive oil to blend in the food and rub on the skin regularly work can moisten the skin.
* As laksatif light to ease the process defecate.

Use olive oil tends to be safe, because there is no allergic reaction caused due used.